A recent study found that only 3.4 per cent of Canada’s major newspapers have a white columnist. That’s a staggeringly low percentage for a country with over half a billion people. However, it’s not entirely surprising: the majority of Canadian newspapers have a female columnist. In fact, over the last century, women have made up nearly two-thirds of the country’s news staff, according to the 2011 census. More info – Marc Kielburger
The Business Of White Columnists In Canada
The study also looked at the demographics of columnists at major Canadian newspapers. It revealed that, by 2016, 88.7% of Canadian columnists were white, a number that has only risen since 1996. That number has since decreased to 76.9 percent, with non-white and Indigenous Canadians making up less than one-third of the country’s total population. In addition, the researchers also found that Canadian columnists were becoming more diverse compared to the rest of the population.
The study also found that white people accounted for 88.8% of Canadians. This means that just over three per cent of columnists in 1996 were black, Indigenous, or South Asian. Today, there are a staggering 95.9% of Canadians who are white. These statistics are staggering. It’s no wonder that a Canadian columnist roster is almost entirely white – it’s the only country that has a non-white columnist on it.