What is a European Temporary Employment Agency?
Agence d’intérim européenne is a human resources company that matches candidates to job openings. This type of company can offer positions in a variety of industries. Some examples include healthcare, technology, and financial services. In addition, these companies can help find temporary and permanent jobs in other countries. These firms may have an office in the United Kingdom or in other countries.
Agence d’Intérim Européenne : Opportunités à l’International
Although the adoption and implementation of Directive 2008/104/CE have undoubtedly contributed to a certain convergence in the way national legal frameworks regulate temporary agency work, there are still considerable differences. These differences are mainly due to the different models adopted by Member States in relation to the assignment of temporary agency workers from an agency to a user undertaking, the modalities of their contracts (whether these are fixed-term or open-ended), and the ways in which they provide for social guarantees such as access to collective rights, and the duration and renewal of assignments.
The present study aims to examine the various models adopted by the Member States in their domestic transposition of Directive 2008/104/CE. This is done by reviewing a selection of articles from the Directive in detail. The study pays special attention to the rules on the definition of main notions, restrictions and prohibitions; the principle of equal treatment from day one of an assignment; the implementation of the ‘more favourable’ clause and nonregression clause; and the provision of effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions.…